Each week, the City of Coronado City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when applicable. Featured below are highlights from that update.The entire City Manager’s Weekly Update can be found on the City’s website.
Parking Meter Holidays: The City Council, again this year, granted “Parking Meter Holidays” in all commercial zones from Monday, December 7, through Friday, December 25. The annual gift, provided by the City of Coronado, provides motorists with two hours of free parking in hopes of encouraging holiday shopping locally. Parking meters will be bagged. However, time limit restrictions, such as the 2-hour limit, will be enforced.

High-speed Internet Unveiled: The launch of the 1-gigabit-per-second Internet service at the Library was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony and cake on Wednesday, December 2, in the Winn Room. Representatives from the City Council, Library Board, Friends of the Library, Library staff and youth launched use of the broadband service. The high-speed Internet allows more simultaneous users to consume higher bandwidth resources, including streaming video. The service is connected through the statewide educational backbone and will soon cost less than the service previously used at the Library.
SDG&E Work on Pomona: SDG&E began construction of a project to replace an existing gas line along with several service lateral lines along Pomona Avenue this week. Construction began near Pomona’s intersection with Glorietta Boulevard and is set to proceed north to Matthewson Park. SDG&E sent letters to all adjacent residents explaining the work but many have complained about the timing of the work, which is expected to last up to three weeks. On-street parking is prohibited during construction operations, however, SDG&E is required to maintain two-way access along Pomona Avenue at all times as well as access to all private residences adjacent to the construction area. SDG&E has been asked to provide residents with door hangers to further explain the work and impacts, and provide contact information for additional questions or concerns. In addition, SDG&E will attempt to reduce the size of the no-parking zone as much as possible and to be more aware of the impacts on the neighborhood at this time of the year.

Central Beach Restrooms: The city is working this week to complete upgrades to the Central Beach Restrooms. The building was closed last month to begin work to remove dry rot and damaged roof framing and to complete renovations, including painting, new lighting, flooring, and to make minor modifications to address Americans with Disabilities Act issues. The city’s portable restroom will be removed from the area once the restroom reopens.