Monday, March 3, 2025

Rate your streets for Circulate SD’s Regional Walk Scorecard

ItÂ’s that time again for Circulate SD to release our bi-annual Regional Walk Scorecard. We are planning to unveil the results Friday, October 30.

To prepare for the event, we are asking folks around the region to rate their streets. Many of you have helped with this in the past and your help is much appreciated.

This Saturday is Regional Walk Day, and the last day to rate streets.

Can you help us again by rating the walkability for 10 of your neighborhoodÂ’s streets using our phone app, BestWALK?

We ask that each person rates TEN STREETS. It will only take 30 minutes, itÂ’s free and of course, educational.

You can find detailed instructions for how to download and use BestWALK here for iPhone and here for Android phones.

**Anyone who rates at least 10 streets between now and October 10 will be entered in a raffle to win a $50 gift card to Whole Foods!

With that, I am asking you to help us by doing any and all of the following:

  1. Download BestWALK phone app for free
  2. Rate 10 streets or more between now and October 10
  3. Organize a walk for Regional Walk Day – meet some friends at a coffee shop and have each of you rate streets
  4. Share BestWALK on Facebook or Twitter, asking people to commit to walking and rating streets on Regional Walk Day by RSVPing here:

Yes! I will organize a walk. Fantastic! If you organize a walk, would you email me to let me know? And if you would like this walk to be open to the public, send me the details and I will share the opportunity with Circulate’s followers.

Kathleen Ferrier is the contact at CirculateSD


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