Sunday, March 9, 2025

Survey Results: Multi-Use Path

A big thank you to the 860 respondents who took the time to complete the Multi-Use Path Survey! This issue has been receiving a great deal of attention and I appreciate receiving as much feedback as possible.

The results are summarized below and I have included charts for some of the questions. Although results were filtered based on IP addresses to avoid multiple entries please keep in mind this was not a scientific survey but rather a tool to receive public input.

A plurality of respondents, 44% were opposed to the multi-use path while 35% were supportive and the remainder needed more information before forming an opinion. Over 2/3 of respondents felt the City had not communicated its objectives for bicycle and pedestrian traffic along Ocean Blvd.

The vast majority of respondents, approximately 78%, felt the City should evaluate improving the existing Ocean Blvd sidewalk before considering a multi-use path along the beach. Large majorities of both those opposed and those needing more information about the MUP responded that improving the existing sidewalk should be considered first while among those already supportive of the MUP, 47% agreed.

Approximately 60% of respondents requiring more information about the proposed MUP said they do not think the City should spend more than $1 million on the project while 55% of respondents supportive of the MUP think the City should spend up to $2 million on the project.

The City Council will be voting whether or not to reconsider the $100K budgeted for studying this project at the August 18th Council meeting starting at 4pm. If the Council does vote to reconsider, a follow up meeting will be scheduled to discuss the scope of the study and whether any changes to the project should be made.

If you have any questions or feedback please let me know.

Councilmember and Optimist

Richard Bailey

[email protected]



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