Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Classes Offered at Coronado Adult Education

It’s not too late to register for classes at Coronado Adult Education, and we still have openings in two new classes.

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation starts Thursday January 8th at 6:00pm with instructor Chandra Beal, and you will learn that Mindfulness is the moment-to-moment awareness invoked by tuning into your breath and every other aspect of your life through the practice of meditation, gentle mindful movement (yoga), and other meditative practices. Find out how you can make changes in the way you relate to all aspects of your life, including stress, pain, anxiety, and illness, to bring about greater balance, clarity and life satisfaction.

Also, Getting Published Now! with local author George Galdorisi starts Tuesday January 13th at 6:30pm. George’s course is designed for beginning, emerging and even accomplished writers who seek to have their work – novels, non-fiction books, articles, essays, you name it – published. Exploring all options, from major publishing houses to popular magazines and newspapers, not to mention the ubiquitous on-line and electronic opportunities. The course is results-oriented, the aim being to get your work out into the world and, once it’s out there, to get it noticed and appreciated by a wide audience!

For more information or to register, call 619-522-8911, or register online at:


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