We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and listening to other writers. We hold pressure-less sessions every Wednesday, at the Coronado Library conference room, starting at 1:30. Often we have guests who wish to just listen. They are welcome, and so are you.
Each week on eCoronado, we feature a different piece of prose or poetry produced by one of our writers. Please feel free to comment or ask questions in the comment section below.
Channing DeVoueroix
I am in the Rose Garden with you again.
The roses are in bloom, but fading thin.
I remember last time we were here together
It was moving into warmer weather.
There were no roses then in bloom.
It seemed I’d come into an empty room.
And then I learned your lessons about pruning,
The ‘cutting back’ to keep the roses blooming.
So here I sit before new rose is born,
No longer feeling so forlorn.
I’m seeing end of springtime’s folly
Watching autumn take her turn at holly.
Though rose today is glorious just for me,
Tomorrow it will die. The bush is all I’ll see.
Left behind is but the fragrance of the rose,
Yet there’s the hope that in its sweet repose,
Winter spent, rose once more will be a sacrament
For those who wait upon her beauty
And strive to live as she . . .
That Beauty’s duty.
Channing DeVoueroix
© 2013