Sunday, March 9, 2025

Join us in Spreckels Park to Feed Hungry Children in the Dominican Republic (Sunday, Nov. 2 1:30-3:30pm)

We want to invite you to help to feed hungry children in the Dominican Republic from right here in Spreckels Park!

On November 2, 2014 we invite you to a Coronado Community-wide service event. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and Sacred Heart Catholic Church are partnering with Children of the Nations (COTN) to host a meal packaging event. Our goal is to feed 100,000 orphaned and destitute children in the Dominican Republic.

We will be holding this event in the center of our community, at Spreckels Park. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place with an abundance of food and resources. It would be a wonderful gift for the community of Coronado to give by sharing our blessings with children thousands of miles away who are in dire need. We invite your group or your family to join us in coming together as a community to be a part of “raising children who transform nations” with COTN.

Packing meals with Children of the Nations is simple. Amazingly, 100,000 meals can be packaged by 600 people in one hour. It is an amazing and energizing experience to join with other people to package these meals! It is a great event for people of all ages!

Specifically, we are looking for groups and families/individuals to partner with us on a monetary basis to make this goal of 100,000 meals a reality.

The cost is only $0.25 per meal, plus $300 for every 10,000 meals for operating costs. St Paul’s has committed to packaging 20,000 meals and several other churches are in the process of determining their giving capacity. We would love your participation in this event, as well, to meet our overall goal of 100,000 meals. Here are a few partnership options:

-5,000 meals= $1,400

– 10,000 meals = $2,800

– 15,000 meals = $4,200

– 20,000 meals = $5,600

  • Could your family or your organization consider making a donation to purchase meals? (any amount helps!)

  • Could your family or your organization also consider sending volunteers to help package the meals on November 2nd?

Click on the below link to sign up or give:

Thank you for your consideration in joining us in this opportunity to join together as a community to serve orphaned children. For more information or to sign up/donate for this event, please contact:

– Amber Kaiser (Area Community Representative, Children of the Nations)

(619) 806-8499 or [email protected]

– Rev. Lisa Johnson (St. Paul’s Associate Pastor) [email protected]

or (619) 669-8301

– Floyd Ross: (Coronado council of churches member)

(619) 990-5616

Related: 5 Coronado Churches Package Thousands of Meals


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