Sunday, March 9, 2025

Community Voices: The Silence is Deafening from the City of Coronado

Many blogs and letters have been written in the past couple months regarding “Del Beach”. Even if the Hotel DOES have some long standing legal right to exclusively occupy that area, residents are rightfully outraged by this “land grab” of OUR beach, and further by the disparate treatment whereby smoking and drinking on the beach is acceptable for Hotel patrons but not for local residents.

For some reason, the City has been mute on the subject, perhaps hoping residents will forget and the issue will go away – guess again! And why have we not heard a response from the Mayor or City Council or City Manager or Zoning and Code Enforcement officials? Could the City be ignoring repeated questions by residents to avoid stepping on the hooves of their biggest local cash cow?

C’mon City, this ain’t going away, and you owe all residents some detailed communication NOW on what’s behind the land grab and privileges only for a commercial entity. Unlike wine, bad news does not improve with age.

And for the Hotel del: Do you really intend to continue operating Del Beach, knowing you have a PR debacle on your hands?


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