Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Relay for Life Event in Coronado Provides Hope and Healing for Cancer Survivors

Sarah Callahan was a typical college student – pursuing a degree in Advertising at Penn State University, spending time with her friends and enjoying her college experience to the fullest. But in 2007, just two days before her 21st birthday, everything changed. Sarah went to see her doctor for severe pain she was experiencing in her abdomen. Two days after her birthday, she underwent surgery to remove a 10 cm mass on her left ovary. The mass had burst, requiring what she said her doctors called “incredibly aggressive treatment.” After the surgery, Sara, just 21 years old, was told what no one wants to ever hear – it was cancer. Sarah was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called an endodermal sinus tumor. But the good news was that it was treatable.

“In the 1980’s, this kind of cancer was a death sentence,” Sarah explains. “I was very lucky that in my case, it was treatable. That just goes to show you how far we have come in cancer research.”

“The doctors initially told me it wasn’t cancer,” Sarah explains. “But when I woke up from surgery, my mom was there, and she was the one to tell me it was, and that we’d have to go home for chemo. I only let myself cry one tear.”

Sarah’s parents had planed to come to Penn State to celebrate her 21st birthday with her. The hotel reservations had been made and a night out on the town planned. They had never imagined they would be coming to take their daughter home after cancer surgery to start chemotherapy.

The family went back home to Georgia, just south of Atlanta, to begin treatment for Sarah. Her mom set up a new temporary bedroom for Sarah so she wouldn’t associate her childhood bedroom with chemo. She endured nine grueling weeks of chemotherapy. Her course of treatment required constant monitoring from doctors, as the drugs that were administered could have an adverse effect on her lungs. She completed three rounds of three weeks of sometimes daily chemo for nine weeks. Each treatment lasted between 5-6 hours.

Sarah describes chemo as a “total body experience.” She lost weight. In addition to the nausea and weakness, she developed lines and ridges on her fingernails. She had hot flashes. Ringing in the ears. She suffered from neuropathy – what she described as feeling electrical currents shooting through her hands and feet. She slept a lot. She smelled like chemicals and even had a slight green tint to her skin. And, of course, she lost her hair.

“I never really thought of my image until I lost my hair,” she says. “When you’re 21 and single, that’s a really big deal. You have to relearn how to be you.”

Before her hair fell out, Sarah cut it short and donated her tresses to Locks of Love. She recalls waking up one night at 2:00 a.m. and finding her hair on her pillow.

“Nighttime was the hardest. During the day you’re so focused on being strong – for you and everyone else.”

It was the only other time she cried.

During the course of her treatments, her family was a huge support system for her. Her younger sister, who was in high school at the time, would help take care of her. Her mom is a pastor, and Sarah credits their strong faith and a courageous attitude for her recovery. When she would complete her treatments, the family would hold “Sarah-brations” to celebrate making it through another treatment. The family’s dog would even participate in the festivities.

“I knew that this was a time I could either choose to waste or accept the way things were and deal. The only thing I could control was my attitude.”

Sarah was the first person in her family to have cancer. Throughout her treatment, she remained strong and determined.

“You’re setting the tone. I learned your attitude determines how others around you will react to you. That can put a lot of pressure on you, but I didn’t want pity. I wanted to have fun,” she recalls. “Whatever it takes, I know I can make it through.”

Sarah finished chemotherapy on May 1, 2007. When she completed chemotherapy, she participated in her first American Cancer Society “Relay for Life” event with her oncology nurses. Still weak, she rode on a golf cart for the survivor lap.

Sarah recalls that after chemotherapy ended, another battle began.

“After chemo was the hardest. During your treatments, you’re surrounded by people who are supporting you and taking care of you. Afterwards, everyone thinks you’re okay. And you’re bald.”

She recalls her boyfriend back at Penn State breaking up with her before he saw her bald.

Sarah says, simply, “It was hard to transition back into real life.”

She returned to Penn State the following fall and made the Dean’s List. The following spring, she participated in her first “Relay for Life” with Penn State.

It’s been seven years since her cancer diagnoses, and Sarah, who is now 28, is cancer free and doing well. She met her husband while at Penn State, while she was still sporting a post-chemo buzz cut. He’s a Naval Academy graduate and helicopter pilot, and the couple have been living in Coronado since March.

Sarah has become very active with the “Relay for Life” and has participated in many events and even served as keynote speaker for a Relay event in the Outer Banks. This year, she will serve as one of the keynote speakers for the July 26 – 27 “Relay for Life” event at Glorietta Bay Park in Coronado. The event will kick off at 9:00 a.m. on July 26th and conclude at 9:00 a.m. on July 27th. It’s not too late to form a team for the event, and individuals and companies and groups are invited and encouraged to sign up. There is a $10 registration fee. Complete event information can be found online or on Facebook.

Today, Sarah says she sometimes forgets that she ever had cancer. After she obtained her degree from Penn State in advertising, her work experience in that field left her feeling like she wanted to go a different direction in her life. She then pursued a Master’s Degree in school counseling and is currently seeking a job opportunity where she can share her gifts.

“My cancer doesn’t define me. But I want to use that moment in my life for something good. I want to be able to relate to others through my hard experience.”


Mary Douglas

Staff Writer


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