Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Community Voices: Open Letter to eCoronado.com

On behalf of all supporters of NO on Prop E, I’d like to publicly say “Thank You” to the entire crew of eCoronado.com for providing an excellent and informative forum serving all Coronadoans. In our small town, eCoronado.com demonstrated a unique ability to remain fair and neutral on a very controversial topic, and apparently printed ALL submitted posts in a timely manner, while avoiding any inappropriate or “lame” content.

And to the 2433 voters who supported the NO on Prop E position, we thank each of you for carefully considering the extensive information presented through various media over the past few months, for having the patience to arrive at a difficult decision, and for voting your conscience in a very critical election. In addition to those who actively campaigned in this electoral process, many voters also deserve credit for providing valuable support and encouragement while working “behind the scenes” towards our goal.

Thank you Coronado and eCoronado.com!

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