Sunday, March 9, 2025

Community Voices: Intimidation Tactics

Sometimes our Bill of Rights is trampled in the heat of political battle, or when people don’t want to hear any opinion besides their own. This was the case recently when protesters at Rutgers University and Haverford College caused commencement speakers to withdraw.

It is also the case with some CUSD administrators, school board members and a few residents, who are completely intolerant of any opposition to Prop E or other school proposals. As the Haverford speaker said, their intimidation is “immature and arrogant”; my own outlook on their attitude is “pathetic and disgusting”.

I’ll refrain from naming individuals involved, but firsthand reports of intimidation tactics, used for years by CUSD, are legendary around our city and here are some examples:

  • Residents opposed to the BBMAC pool complex experienced openly hostile attitudes at school board meetings and even had microphones shut off.

  • Threats were made to parents that athletes could no longer participate on the water polo team unless parents vocally supported the pool complex at City Council meetings.

  • A CUSD administrator recently reprimanded Strand Elementary employees for not dedicating enough time to the ‘YES on Prop E’ phone banks.

  • A parent was furious and hung up after intercepting a Principal’s call for her son, now 18 and a CHS graduate, “suggesting” he should vote FOR Prop E.

  • A resident speaking against Prop E at a forum was ‘dressed down’ by a former City Council member for being in opposition and not being well informed.

  • Several NO on Prop E yard signs have been stolen recently, and some replaced with YES on E signs; they were not taken down by the City.

  • When ‘NO on Prop E’ yard signs have been offered to Prop E opponents, many parents decline to post a sign or have their names and position known, for fear of retribution towards their kids at school, or for concern about “what the neighbors may think”.

  • A CUSD administrator’s statement that “our schools will be decimated if Prop E is not passed” is a thinly veiled threat to extract more property tax money from the community.

Our right to free speech, our right to oppose a measure, and our right to vote as we choose are sacred and fundamental, and should not be jeopardized by small town politics. Doing so IS arrogant and immature and does not speak well for the offenders.


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