Sunday, March 9, 2025

School District Exonerated from Unsupported Lawsuit

Yesterday, Judge Styn of the San Diego Superior Court ruled in favor of our District by approving a summary judgment that fully dismisses an individual’s allegations that challenge District accounting practices and record-keeping procedures. For the past 10 months, our District has endured Ms. Uremovic’s harsh disparagement and challenge regarding fiscal management practices in what seemed to be a community member’s effort to create widespread question of our District’s fiscal integrity, and yesterday the Judge ordered this to stop.

Beginning last June, she asked questions regarding accounting practices and asked for all financial records for the District’s General Fund. Specifically, she wanted bank statements reflecting every financial transaction processed for the District. It appeared that, in making this request, Ms. Uremovic was incorrectly assuming that the District follows the same accounting practices that might apply to a private sector business or a household. However, public education entities are legally required to process their funds in a much different way. Out of respect, we tried to explain that California’s public school districts account for their funding and expenditures in a much different way, and therefore the remaining documents Ms. Uremovic sought did not exist. Try as we might, she could not comprehend that public school districts are legally required to follow strictly prescribed steps for their accounting practices.

Her lack of understanding and her lack of trust led her to repeatedly contact the District for additional public records. In observance of the law and in the interest of transparency, we devoted well over 100 hours of staff time to produce all existing, responsive documents for this community member. Chief Business Officer Dr. Butler and his staff worked tirelessly to be sure all requested documents were gathered and delivered. Dr. Butler wanted to help her realize her misunderstanding. His patience is a reflection of our commitment to be open and accessible to the school community. Ultimately, despite the District’s diligent efforts to satisfy Ms. Uremovic’s request, she filed an action in San Diego Superior Court.

This cycle of questions and answers concluded yesterday when the Judge granted the District’s motion for summary judgment, fully dismissing her allegations and legal action.

I share this message with you because we all know that trust is one of the most essential ingredients in a healthy and successful school environment. Public schools belong to the public. They are funded with taxpayer dollars, and therefore it stands to reason that we must make all fiscal information readily available to the public. Sadly in this situation, access, availability, facts and patience could not yield understanding, so we are particularly relieved by the Court’s decision.

We should all thank Dr. Butler and his staff for the great work that they did over the past 10 months to attend to this issue. He never lost sight of the simple fact that his efforts were an investment in community confidence in our schools.

Jeffrey P. Felix, Ed. D.
Coronado Unified School District


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