Monday, March 10, 2025

Community Voices: It’s OK to Oppose Prop E

Really, it’s OK. And it’s alright if you don’t want your name associated with the opposition, or you don’t want a “NO on E” sign in your yard. It’s understandable, and you’re probably surrounded by neighbors who feel the same way – many are adamantly against Prop E, but don’t want to broadcast their feelings.

We’ve been contacted by many residents who tell us they oppose the parcel tax, but can’t say so publicly because they have kids in school and are afraid of retribution. Some CUSD teachers feel the same way, but don’t dare say so because there’s a job and union to consider. And some opponents of CUSD’s out-of-control spending habits have become “public enemies” at school board meetings. There is a stigma attached to saying NO in this town. Frankly, I find such intimidation disgusting, whether it is overtly displayed by people associated with the school, or just an undercurrent emanating from rabid school supporters who believe “It’s for the Children” should justify any and all CUSD funding desires. We expect CUSD administrators and board members to be diligent stewards of our tax dollars and other revenues, but that has not been the case over the past two decades. Unfortunately, small-town politics seems to demonize anyone who dares to object.

But there’s an easy solution to this dilemma: The vocal minority will not be silenced, and will continue with blogs and letters and yard signs to alert everyone of CUSD’s continuing fiscal mismanagement. And the silent majority opposed to Prop E should take comfort in our efforts while remaining under the radar.

But most importantly, those opposed to more CUSD taxing, borrowing and runaway spending must be sure to vote, and vote your conscience, on June 3RD. Vote NO on the Prop E parcel tax.

Related stories: Prop E


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