Summer vacation is drawing near and now is the time to start thinking about summer camps and activities for your preschool and school age children, if you haven’t already. Various organizations, such as City of Coronado Recreation Services, and Coronado Schools Foundation (CSF) have delivered their brochures on the doorsteps of Coronado residents – listing an impressive range of activities for kids to participate in during the summer. The camps and activities are very popular, so it is essential to register as soon as possible.
City of Coronado Recreation Services, and Coronado Schools Foundation’s Brochures
City of Coronado Recreation Services
City of Coronado Recreation Services has mailed out their extensive program guide for summer 2014. If you have not received a copy you can access it online here. Registration begins April 21 for Coronado residents and May 5 for nonresidents.
City of Coronado Recreation Services offers school age children camps in: aquatics, golf, tennis, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding, athletics, sports (basketball, Tae Kwon Do, football, etc), artistic and creative camps, themed (Frozen!), science, dance, surf, cooking, skate boarding and other camps.
Preschool children are also well catered for during summer holidays. City of Coronado Recreation Services offers and array of creative and fun camps designed to burn energy, explore creativity and be adventurous such as Playmania and Prekinder camp . Some camps are themed such as Welcome to Oz, Pirates and Pixes, Holiday Hullabaloo, and Wonderfully Wonderful Wonderland. Yoga, gymnastics, and dance camps are also available for the little ones.
The camps mentioned are just a small selection of what is available. Flick through your program guide or access it online here. Positions fill up quickly, so book now!
City of Coronado Library
Coronado Library
The library offers myriad activities for students during the summer holidays. Library activities are listed on page 9 of the City of Coronado Recreation Services summer 2014 program guide (Page 11 if you are viewing the online PDF version). Click here to view the online copy. Some activities include craft for various ages; board games, movies, video games and book club for teens; Junior Volunteers Club (grade 6 and older); story hour and more!
For details on any library program visit their website here.
Coronado Schools Foundation (CSF) Summer Enrichment Programs
(CSF) summer enrichment programs opened registration on April 7. Register before May 16 to take advantage of early bird prices. Pamphlets were delivered to Coronado households some time ago. Click here for an online PDF version. Programs are available for students in grades K-12 and are taught primarily by Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) credentialed teachers. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) classes are offered, such as, “Robotics to Rock Guitar and everything in between.” For more information and a list of classes click here.
CoSA Summer Program
CoSA is offering a Musical Theatre and Drama camp running over three weeks, for children entering grades 5-12, culminating in a production on July 3. “Join Coronado School of the Arts (CoSA) Musical Theatre and Drama teachers Kim Strassburger and Shane Simmons for a FUN and SKILL BUILDING theatre summer camp! All Levels of experience are welcome. Students will learn a wide range of skills including acting, singing, Shakespeare in performance, stage combat, and theatre etiquette. Students PERFORM a “cabaret” style revue of songs from popular Broadway musicals and scenes on Thursday, July 3 in the Coronado High School Performing Arts Center for family and friends.” Click here for more information.
Coronado’s Churches
Vacation Bible School
Many of the churches offer Vacation Bible School during the summer period. Positions are first allocated to parishioners then the church accepts applications from non members. Spots fill up quickly and some programs are already full. It is worth phoning the church to add your child’s name to a waiting list. Coronado is blessed with a large number of churches on the island: Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Methodist and LutheranÂ…just to name a few. For a complete list of churches, visit eCoronado’s Coronado Church list here.
Kidology, located at 1011 C Ave offers age appropriate art and music classes for children aged two to five years old, which run for a couple of hours. Your children experience an artistic and enriching class, while you experience a well-earned break from your kids. Also, Kidology offers summer and holiday camps. As Kidology isn’t a childcare facility per se, parents of toddlers are, understandably, called back to the facility to change dirty diapers. Kidology can be contacted at (619) 435 4700, or to view their website click here.
Crown Preschool Summer Enrichment Program
The Summer Enrichment Program offers developmentally appropriate activities for preschool students. Planned activities include arts and crafts, story time, imaginative play, music and movement, learning centers, and outside time for games and fun. Children must be 3 years old by June 11, 2014 and toilet trained. For more information and registration instructions click here.
Resurrection Preschool
Resurrection’s summer program for preschool children begins in July, 2014. Click here for more their webpage or phone 619 435 0286.
Do you know of a camp we missed? Let us know in the comments!
Siobhan Bailie
Staff Writer