Looking for the next Canine Mayor!
Does your dog have what it takes to be a leader?
PAWS of Coronado is excited to announce this year’s Canine Mayoral Election. All canine residents of Coronado are encouraged to run for Mayor. The election for the prestigious position of Coronado Canine Mayor is for a two year term of office. While Caninedates must be Coronado residents, voters can live anywhere.
Schedule of Events
February 1 – Registration open for “Caninedates” Entry fee is $35.00
March 1 – Registration closes
March 1 – Meet & Greet with all “Caninedates”
April 1 – Voting begins Votes are $1.00 each
April 27 – Voting ends at 5:00 pm
April 30th – Inauguration of the Canine Mayor and his Council at the Animal Care Facility at 5:30
This is the 3rd Canine Mayoral Election Fundraiser sponsored by PAWS. Held every two years, this event is an important source of funds to support our programs that help our beloved canines and felines!
Applications are available at the Coronado Animal Care Facility to register your dog for the race.
You can read all about the PAWS of Coronado Canine Mayoral Race at http://www.pawsofcoronado.org/canine-mayoral-race-2014/