Sunday, March 9, 2025

Comprehensive Guide to Preschool and Childcare in Coronado

Crown Preschool, Coronado

Sourcing adequate childcare can be disheartening for parents at the best of times (believe me, I know!), so has compiled a comprehensive guide to preschool and childcare in Coronado, to take the “dis” out of “disheartening” just for you.

Preschool and Childcare Centers in Coronado

Crown Preschool

Crown Preschool, located at 199 6th St, is part of the award-winning Coronado Unified School District. Students must be between three and four years of age on their first day of school. They must also be Coronado residents, immunized and toilet trained. Priority is given to children who will attend Kindergarten the following year.

Crown Preschool’s program runs from Monday through Friday and caters to full-time and part-time preschool students. The school provides a half day morning (9:00 am – 12:30 pm), half day afternoon (12:30 pm – 3:00 pm) and extended day (9:00 am – 3:00 pm). The district’s before and after school Child Care Program is also available to children attending Crown Preschool.

Crown Preschool says, “Staffing includes our Director Kathy Mathis, the classroom teacher, Brenna Belknap, who is a multiple-subject credentialed teacher, and four part-time aides. All of the staff have preschool permits issued through the State of California.”

In terms of curriculum, Crown Preschool uses, “a pre-kindergarten version of the curricular programs used in transitional and traditional Kindergarten, including enrichment opportunities such as Visual and Performing Arts, Science Lab, Music and Movement, Computer Lab, Library, and Health Education. The staff also works closely with parents in providing parent education opportunities and resources on topics such as social/emotional development, reading readiness, fine motor development and early writing development, early math, and gross motor development.”

Registration for Crown preschool is ongoing, so applications can be submitted throughout the year. Submit your application as soon as possible as they do have a waiting list. Tours of the facility can be booked through the school’s website here.

Sandpiper Montessori Preschool

Sandpiper Montessori School. Photo: supplied.

Sandpiper Montessori preschool, located at 455 E Ave, was established in in the 1940s as the Sandpiper School, but became Sandpiper Montessori in 1941. The school accepting students as young as two and a half years old, but they must be toilet trained.

The program at Sandpiper Montessori runs from Monday to Friday and caters to full-time and part-time preschool students. The school provides a half day morning (8:00 am – 12:00 pm), half day afternoon (12:00 pm – 4:00 pm) and full day (8:00 am – 4:00 pm). Students can attend two, three or five days a week.

Registration is ongoing, but it is best to submit an application before March as there is a waiting list.

The educational philosophy of Sandpiper Montessori revolves around the Montessori method, which is, “based on years of patient observation of the nature of children and has proved itself of universal application. Race, color, nationality or social rank makes no difference to its successful application. The method is based on the child’s imperious need to learn by doing and has a profound respect for the child’s personality. It enables the teacher to deal with each child individually in each subject. Each child works at his or her own pace and the child has the freedom of movement in the classroom. Children pursue their own self-paced curriculum and learning takes place individually or in small groups. The critical cognitive skills are developed before age six and a multi-sensorial more flexible writing and reading program is available in the Montessori classroom. The Montessori method develops the whole personality of the child, not merely his intellectual faculties, but also to become a self-directed, self-disciplined person.”

Sandpiper Montessori Preschool can be reached at (619) 435-3371 or visit their website here.

Graham Memorial Preschool

Graham Memorial Preschool

Graham Memorial Preschool, located at 949 C Ave, is a church affiliated preschool (Presbyterian). School Director Dana Wilcox says, “our goal is to provide a safe and happy environment, which enhances socialization, creativity and self-esteem, while fostering skills that promote academic success.”

Graham Memorial Preschool has programs for children two and a half to five years old. According to the school’s website, it runs from Monday to Friday with lessons ceasing by 1 pm. Students can attend two, three or five days a week, depending on the age of the child.

The curriculum includes, “art, science, music, imaginative play, motor development, pre-math, and pre-reading activities,” as well as “monthly chapel attendance.”

Ms Wilcox explains, “We have two qualified teachers in each classroom with 10 to 14 childrenÂ… We will begin registration for new families around the first of March. We do keep a wait list and encourage parents to place their children on it as soon as possible. Graham Memorial Preschool has been serving Coronado families for over 40 years. We encourage parents to visit us anytime.”

Graham Memorial Preschool can be reached at (619) 435 2182 or visit their website here.

Resurrection Preschool

Resurrection Preschool

Resurrection Preschool, located at 1111 Fifth street, is a church affiliated preschool (Lutheran).

Preschool classes are available at Resurrection Lutheran Church on a daily basis. The Fall session begins in September and the Summer session begins in July?.

Resurrection Preschool assures parents, “No matter what program your child is involved in, we always maintain that the child’s self-esteem, love of learning, social opportunities, creative expression and chance to just play are the basis for our teaching. We place great emphasis on the learning that occurs through play and so we strive to provide the chance for that learning to take place with teacher supervision according to individual needs. Our center provides activities in the areas of art, music, language development, outdoor play, dramatic play and social interaction. Both teacher directed activities and free choice play are part of the daily schedule.”

For more information about Resurrection Preschool contact school Director, Nancy Stringer at (619) 435 0286 or visit their webpage here.

Coronado Southern Baptist Church – Preschool and Childcare Center

Coronado SBC Preschool and Child Care Center

Coronado Southern Baptist Church (SBC) – Preschool and Child Care Center, located at 111 Orange Ave, is a church affiliated school (Southern Baptist Church).

The center says, “We operate a weekday preschool and childcare center for children ages 18 months – 6 years. We are open from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday year around. Many varied schedules can be accommodated, ranging from a few hours for a couple of days a week to all day, every day, every week. Training includes Christian instruction in accordance with the relative youth and inexperience of the pupils. They participate in a short worship service each week. Our daily schedule includes breakfast, teaching period, playtime, snack, lunch, nap time, playtime, snack. A reduced fee schedule is available to church members and regular attendees.”

School Director, Mrs. Martha Prysock, can be contacted at (619) 435 8121, or you can visit their webpage here.

Child Development Center at Naval Air Station, North Island (NASNI) and Naval Amphibious Base (NAB), Coronado

For Military families and Defense civilian employees, childcare is available on base at NASNI and NAB. Enrollment is based on a priority system and is ongoing. The centers accept children from as young as six weeks to five years of age. says, “Caregivers receive extensive training in the development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to ensure an enriching day care experience for young Navy family members. Program elements include age appropriate activities, participation in the USDA food program, and monthly training requirements of staff”. Home-based child care is also available, but it would be quite extraordinary to find a provider in Coronado. Military families can register online at Drop-in “hourly” care is also available on base (this includes the Child and Youth 24/7 Center at NASNI). Contact the centers directly for further information.

Child Development Center NASNI: (619) 545 0259 or (619) 545 5609

Child and Youth 24/7 Center NASNI: (619) 545 5617 (For occasional “drop-in” care during the day)

Child Development Center NAB: (619) 437 5807

Alternatives to Preschool and Childcare Centers


Kidology, located at 1011 C Ave, isn’t a preschool or daycare facility per se, but offers age appropriate art and music classes for children aged two year to five years old, which run for a couple of hours. Your children experience an artistic and enriching class, while you experience a well-earned break from your kids. Also, Kidology has announced on their website, new to the school, music classes for 18 months to 23 month old children, to commence soon. As Kidology isn’t a childcare facility, parents of toddlers are, understandably, called back to the facility to change dirty diapers. Kidology can be contacted at (619) 435 4700, or to view their website click here.


Nannies are a popular option in Coronado. The best way to source a Nanny is through word of mouth, and networking with other parents. Websites such as and can help locate a qualified Nanny. Remember to always ask for references and be sure to contact them. It is also advisable Nannies are CPR and First Aid certified.

Home Based Childcare Providers

Home based childcare providers appear to be a rare breed in Coronado. You can contact YMCA’s Childcare Resource Service, San Diego, here, to use their resource and referral service, in the hope that you may find someone with spots available on the island or down on the strand.

Check out the YMCA’s Childcare Resource Service “Choosing Quality Child Care” and “Choosing Quality Infant-Toddler Childcare” for tips on choosing quality childcare.

Good Luck!


Siobhan Bailie

Staff Writer


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