Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Coronado Police Issue Burglary Warning

The Coronado Police Department is warning residents to lock their doors and windows after a recent series of residential burglaries affecting the Eastern portion of the Village.

Unknown suspect(s) are entering homes through unlocked doors and windows and taking small property. The break-ins have occurred during the day and we believe the burglar(s) may be watching and waiting for people to leave their homes, even if it’s just a few minutes to walk the dog or go to the store.

CPD also cautions that small bathroom and bedroom windows, as well as sliding glass doors, should be among the areas secured.

Residents are asked to contact CPD to report any suspicious behavior, including people who may be serving as lookouts.

It is not uncommon for thieves to have lookouts on the street to watch for residents returning home while their partners are burglarizing houses. We need your help; your tip could be the one that stops this burglary series!

For more information, contact CPD Community Relations at 522-7370.


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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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