Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Video: The Dangers of Crossing at Third Street and D Avenue

This photo is of the intersection at Third Street and F Avenue. Not only is there a crosswalk, but there are multiple ‘school xing’ signs, yellow ‘SLOW DOWN’ writing in the street and bulb-outs at both sides of the intersection making it easier to spot a break in the traffic and a shorter distance to cross.

eCoronado.com was contacted by a few concerned parents regarding students crossing just a few blocks away at the intersection of Third Street and D Avenue. Parents shared concerns regarding students not wearing helmets and crossing in front of moving cars. Their biggest concern was that students crossing at ‘Third and D’ are putting themselves in a risky situation and making it dangerous for drivers as well. Some drivers stop in the middle of the street and the car behind them may not be aware that the car in front is stopping.

We decided to shoot a few minutes of video on two mornings (around 7:45am) in September to learn more about students crossing and to see how many were wearing helmets and if they were crossing in front of moving cars from a safe distance. The video shows that the majority of students were not wearing helmets and on one occasion, a car had to stop in the middle of the street which made the car behind stop as well. The video is shot from a distance so that the students are not identified.

As a reminder, there is a safer place to cross just a few blocks away at Third Street and F Avenue. Please wear buckled helmets and give yourself plenty of time to cross as cars are traveling very fast on these one-way streets on and off the ‘island’.

Below image: An overhead map image of Third Street and D Avenue:

Below image: An overhead map image of Third Street and F Avenue (note the crosswalk and yellow ‘SLOW’ warnings).


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