Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coronado High School Seniors Plant a Living Legacy as Parting Gift

CHS students next to the newly planted tree. From left to right: Connor Wertz, Joseph Pack, Jason Vance, and Bianca Valle.

Seniors from the class of 2013 planted a living legacy on the Senior Lawn over Memorial Day weekend. With graduation a few days away a group of seniors, headed by Jason Vance, wanted to leave their mark on campus. The effort resulted in a 10 foot Chinese Elm taking root close to the 500 building (also known as the math/history building).
It all started with an idea about three weeks ago, when the senior class was deciding on the gifts they would leave behind when they graduated. Jason Vance, heading off to UC Santa Cruz in the fall, wanted to plant a tree so that his class could have something that would last a lifetime on campus. After researching for an appropriate fit, going through the proper approval process involving ASB, class officers, and principal Karl Mueller, the group headed to Evergreen Nursery in North County to pick up the tree. Then the group of determined students harnessed the tree onto a borrowed pick-up truck and made the slow journey down to the high school.

After digging a four-foot hole, Jason Vance, Joseph Pack, Connor Wertz, and Bianca Valle hoisted the 400 pound tree from the truck into the ground where it stands now. The five hour labor of love left Vance satisfied with the Seniors’ living legacy. “My goal was to give my class its own special place on campus. Soon the tree will be providing shade for future Islanders, and hopefully this project will start a tradition where graduating seniors will continue to give something back to Coronado High School,” said Vance.


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