Thursday, March 6, 2025

Police Blotter Jan. 22-29th: Child Cruelty and Assault on 2nd Street

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Assault with a deadly weapon or by force
Annoy child under 18
Child cruelty Felony
1500 block of 2nd Street
suspect arrested, white male age 72 from Coronado
1-23 at 17:17

Outside Warrant/Felony – Felony
500 block of Coronado Cays Blvd
suspect arrested, Hispanic male age 46 from Coronado
1-21 at 00:12

DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs – Misdemeanor
DUI while on probation for DUI – Misdemeanor
Delaport Lane
Suspect arrested, white male age 54 from Coronado
1-24 at 00:07

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
1700 block of Avenida Del Mundo
suspect, white male age 18 from Alabama


Battery on a Spouse or Cohabitant
Wife removed all of the furnishings from home, husband drove to the condo to ask for items back, he returned home with some of his items and threatened to call the police if other items were not returned, wife called the police and reported that husband pushed her and made verbal threats

Report of Domestic Violence
Two were involved in a verbal argument which escalated to yelling by both parties


200 block of Prospect Place
unknown suspect entered medical office and took two lipo system machines and two digital cameras
Value: $10,350
Between 10-1 and 11-1

400 block of D Ave
suspect stole a handgun from a locked safe in a closet of the master bedroom
Value: $400
Between 1-21 and 1-23


Petty Theft
400 block of Palm Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $500
Between 12-26 and 12-27

Petty Theft
500 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $250
Between 1-1 and 1-11

Petty Theft
900 block of Orange Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $100


600 block of Alameda
unknown subject used a black marker to damage the rear alley wall at victim’s address

400 block of D Ave
unknown suspect(s) slashed the left front and rear tires on vehicle


Fradulent Use of Access cad or account information Under $400
100 block of B Ave
suspect(s) used victim’s credit card information without the victim’s knowledge or permission to order an item online

False Impersonation
100 block of G Ave
unknown suspect used victim’s name and social security number to obtain lines of credit through Best Buy and Nordstrom
between 1-19 and 1-20

Traffic Collision
Fourth Street and Orange Ave
Broadside collision
Driver complaint of pain to the left little finger, refused transport


All information for the weekly police blotter is provided by the Coronado Police Department in the weekly press log. The information is gathered and organized into a weekly report provided by This is not a representation of all crimes that occur in Coronado. Some crimes may not be included in the report for various reasons. View reasons a crime may not be included in the weekly police blotter.


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