Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Police Blotter March 13th-20th: Hot Prowl on H Ave- two purses and iPad stolen

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Misdemeanor Bench Warrant of Arrest- Felony
200 block of Prospect Pl
suspect arrested
3-17 at 12:46

Malicious Mischief/Vandalism
G Ave
Victim reported his driver side window broke out after he shut the door
3-14 and 3-15


Battery on a spouse or cohabitant
C Ave
Involved a verbal argument where one spit in another’s face
3-18 at 18:45

Report of Domestic Violence
800 block of G Ave
verbal argument in living room
3-7 between 8:00 and 8:30

Terrorist Threats
8th St
threatened through phone call

Terrorist Threats
1st Street
during conversation suspect threatened retaliation

600 block of H Ave
unknown suspect(s) entered an occupied home through an unlocked sliding glass door and stole two purses and an iPad computer while the home owners slept upstairs
Value: $800
Reported on 3-11


Petty Theft- Misdemeanor
McCain Bl
Suspect cited and released
3-11 at 15:00

Petty Theft
1800 block of Visalia Row
unknown suspect(s) stole a GPS device from the victim’s car as it was parkd in front of her home
value: $400
11-14 and 11-15

Grand Theft
700 block of Ocean Blvd
victim placed engagement ring in a small camera pouch, went for a walk, when returned camera, pouch and ring missing
Value: $6,155

Alcohol Related Charges

DUI Alcohol and/or drugs
1000 block of 1st St
suspect arrested
3-14 at 21:02

DUI Misdemeanor
1700 block of Glorietta Pz
Suspect cited and released
3-17 at 2:45

Disorderly conduct: Alcohol- Misdemeanor
200 block of Ocean Bl
Suspect taken to detox
3-17 at 00:25

Disorderly conduct: Alcohol- Misdemeanor
100 block of Orange Ave
suspect taken to detox
3-16 at 1:04

Stolen Vehilce
1500 block of 1st Street
Reported on 3/14 at 22:30

Stolen Bicycle

800 block of Pomona Ave
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $300
Reported on 3-9 at 8:24

650 D Ave
unlocked bicycle stolen
Value: $100
Reported on 3-15 at 16:14

1st and Orange Ave
unlocked bicycle stolen
Value: $50
Reported on 3-16 at 14:21

Traffic Collision

Spinnaker Way
Sideswipe collision occurred between parked vehicle and police car
Neither vehicle was towed from scene
3-9 at 4:25

Prospect Place
Sideswiped collision occurred between vehicle making a parking maneuver and parked vehicle
Neither vehicle was towed from the scene


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