On a recent beautiful Coronado morning I found myself setting in the car waiting for my wife to come out of a local store with the last of our 4th of July purchases. As I sat there with the cool breeze blowing through the open windows, listening to a WW2 era big band playing one of the popular songs of that era, my mind drifted back to those times. Suddenly it seemed so appropriate to be listening to that music in a community that played such an important part in our WW2 war effort. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it might have been like to be in the local USO canteen listening to that same song while the sailors and Marines danced with the young women who had volunteered to help bring a a little bit of home to the young men so far away from their own homes. That was a time that most of us have only heard about, but it is one where we can be justly proud of the contribution of our community.
Less than 1 min.