Sunday, March 9, 2025

Community Invited to Educational Summits

Last week I delivered the State of the District Address to the School Board which in part described the condition of our school district in Coronado. That address is available to you on the Internet at My hope is that you will read the address, especially the many proposals suggested for the 2011-2012 school year. One of these recommendations is that we all meet as a community in a summit to discuss these educational proposals and others so that we can determine our Coronado Unified School District priorities.

You are invited to join these Educational Summits. The first summit will be at Village Elementary on Thursday February 3rd from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm and the second summit will be at Coronado Middle School on Thursday February 10th at the same times. Everyone will be given a chance to comment in small groups and in full group discussion. School Board members will attend these meeting in order to hear the thoughts and ideas from all shareholders.

Then on Thursday February 17th, the School Board will meet in their regular meeting in the District Office Board Room at 4:30 pm to approve or reject the proposals. You are of course invited to this meeting as well or it may also be viewed on Time Warner Cable.

After the meeting on the 10th, there will be a second screening of the movie Race to Nowhere. At its first sold-out showing on January 22, this movie generated a great deal of dialogue about how we can best support our educators and students as they continue to achieve high academic standards while nurturing creativity, character and personal growth. After the movie there will again be a panel discussion with moderator Bruce Shepherd, CUSD School Board President and panelists Debbie Collins, CHS College Advisor, Dr. Roderick Hall, Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Ronald Evans, SDSU School of Education and Britta Nevitt, ASB President CHS, and me.

I hope to see you at all of these events. It is important for us to hear your views on these important topics as we attempt to find our way through this statewide financial crisis.


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