Sunday, March 9, 2025

Hell No & Letting Go

Last month, I learned that I had to move out of my office space. I loved my office and was feeling bummed, but knew I had to act fast.

I made an appointment to see another building. It was a good location. The office was a nice size. It was the right price. It was available immediately. And it was all wrong. Something wasn’t right. I couldn’t articulate what was off, but knew I couldn’t commit to the space even though the desired elements were there. Intellectually it was a slam dunk yet my gut said, “Oh hell no”.

If data was all we needed to make good decisions, there would be no doctors who smoke.

There would be no crazy psychiatrists.

Clearly, information is not enough. Living the life you are meant to live requires wisdom.

Wisdom is the knowledge of what is true or right. Wisdom is insight. I listened to that voice inside me even though I didn’t have a Plan B. Even though I didn’t know why things weren’t right.

I let go of the “hell no” office and it paid off. Two days later I was asked to bring my coaching business into Discover Wellness Coronado, an integrative health center on the island. I have joined a select group of wellness practitioners that provide acupuncture, massage, nutrition services and chiropractic care. This is my tribe! With my background in natural science, this center is a natural (pun intended) fit for me and my business. Even though I couldn’t see the path, wisdom was leading me to where I needed to be. I would not have discovered this new venture had I focused only on data.

Now here is the part I really want you to soak up. If something is not a HELL YES, it’s a HELL NO. I had to let go of something that looked good on paper in order to discover the thing that was MORE right. My marvelous friend Bridgette explains this with a trapeze analogy. Yes, trapeze. You can’t grab the next bar if you don’t let go of the one in your hands.

Are there places in your life where you need to let go in order to make room for something better?

It’s not too late, you know. It is never too late to become who you are meant to become. Get help if you need it to follow the path that feels hard, but right.


Does coaching really work? Do people actually change?

New clients almost always ask these questions when we first meet. Here’s a response from one of my clients.

When Wendy asked me to write a few words about whether coaching really works, my initial reaction was, duh. Then I remembered voicing my skepticism at our very first meeting over two years ago. Not because I doubted Wendy’s skills, but because I doubted myself and wondered aloud if there was a future for a clueless individual such as myself.

We humans can be so smart and so dumb at the same time. We are creatures of habit, excuse, avoidance, and fear, among other dreaded vocabulary. Couple that with a lifetime of outside forces beyond our control, it’s no surprise that we so often fail to see what’s right in front of us: our own potential.

While I humbly consider myself to spend the majority of my time at the smart end of the smart-dumb spectrum, I am truly ignorant when it comes right down to me. And I know I’m not alone here.

No one can actually see themselves objectively, we all know this. And sure your friends can offer some great words of wisdom and a soft shoulder to cry on, but chances are good that they don’t have the training or patience to strategically work with you one-on-one until you get your life together.

What is a life coach? Two hyphenated words: co-pilot. While ultimately you’re in the driver’s seat, your life coach helps you identify all the crap that stands in your way and navigate through it with minimal turbulence. You get a life coach for the same reason you hire someone to do your taxes or fill a cavity. Trust the experts. Duh.

– Sidney

Come thirsty. Leave fulfilled.

Wendy Kranz

Certified Life Coach

Coronado, CA



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