Sunday, March 9, 2025

Renovations to the Coronado Senior Center are long overdue.

Renovations to the Coronado Senior Center are long overdue.

Public Meetings Scheduled: Jan. 26 11:30am at the Senior Center and Feb. 2 10:00am at the Senior Center ( CSC phone: 435-2616)

“This is the last major town facility that has not been brought up to contemporary Coronado standards.” — Tom Shine, Coronado Senior Association Director

Coronado residents of all ages are encouraged to attend informational meetings about plans for Senior Center renovations. Meetings will be held at the Senior Center, 1019 Seventh Street (adjacent to the library), on January 26 at 11:30 am and again on February 2 at 10 am. Other dates will be announced. Contact: Francette Roeder at email: [email protected]

Working with Senior Center member Francette Roeder, ideas have been put together by Designer Caroline Murray and Architect Chris Ackerman. Current problems are addressed in the plan as well as concepts for a multi-purpose facility that can be used by all citizens of Coronado.

A letter to Mayor Casey Tanaka and City Council members has been sent by CSA president Bob Fitzharris. A formal presentation and request will be made to the Coronado City Council sometime in February or March.

The concept has been presented to, and approved by, the board and members of the Coronado Senior Association, Inc. and the Lawn Bowling Club.

The building now used as the Senior Center was originally used as an equipment maintenance facility by the City of Coronado. It is old and in need of major repair work, modernizing, and expansion to meet the needs of our community’s ever-growing senior citizen population. The site also has been designated as the disaster center for citizen use / Coronado Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).

Located in the beautiful heart of town, adjacent to our newly remodeled library, our Senior Center is visible to all. An attractive and updated facility could be a welcome location for multiple uses for all citizens of Coronado. Sections used for private functions would provide rental income to reduce the overall cost of operations.


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