Sunday, March 9, 2025

Village Elementary School Student Hit By Motorist (Updated)

Today just before school began, a 4th grade female student was riding her bicycle and was struck by a passing motorist.

The girl was injured and was transported to Children’s Hospital with her mother. Several of her classmates saw the accident and were greatly troubled by the event. School counselors and psychologists from the high school and middle school were dispatched to Village Elementary. Students are being counseled individually and in groups depending on their need. The parents of these children are being notified of this counseling.

We will continue to keep you informed as we receive information on the condition of this little girl. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Tom Bevilacqua
Assistant Principal at Village Elementary School


The school sent this update out on 1/31/11

Good Afternoon:

The student who was injured on January 21, returned to school today. Her parents thanked everyone for their thoughts and well-wishes.

Sincerely,Tom Bevilacqua


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