Sunday, March 9, 2025

Protest of High School Performance Cancelled

To All Coronado Community Members:

This morning the Coronado Unified School District filed suit for an injunction against the planned protest by Westboro Baptist Church, Inc. toward the district’s production of The Laramie Project. Shortly before the special status conference, the lawsuit was forwarded to counsel for Westboro. After review of the suit, counsel for Westboro responded that the planned protest for Coronado High School was canceled and the protesters would not be targeting Coronado High School this weekend. The Court accepted this representation, and directed counsel to contact the Coronado Police Department should Westboro change their position.

Thus, as it stands, Westboro has cancelled the protest at Coronado High School. However, in an abundance of caution, I will still ask for police presence at the school during both Friday and Saturday’s performance. All other plans for special security at this event will remain in place.

I believe that the entire community of Coronado was very appreciative of the stand that the District took on this issue. Such issues can be divisive and incredibly traumatic to a community. This community instead chose to band together, show support for one another, and encourage each other in a variety of ways. In particular, I would like to thank the leaders of our city government, our faith-based leaders represented by the Coronado Council of Churches, and all of those who finally understood why we embrace the Six Pillars of Character. Teaching character and showing character can sometimes be two different things. This event became an opportunity for our community to do both.

Jeff Felix
Superintendent of Coronado Unified School District


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