Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tell Oprah about Steve Wampler

We just received this from the Wampler Foundation:

We just learned of a link that is read by ALL Oprah’s producers. Here it is:

Her show featured her on a trip to Yosemite today. We (Wampler) need to have a show that features Steve’s climb as a follow up to her show. Can you please write in? There is a really good chance we will be on to promote the foundation! Would you mind? It’s really big!!! Thanks in advance! I think back and am reminded that on some of the six days, since he was so tired, he could only go one inch per pull up. That’s quite a feat, so…if you don’t mind? Just talk about why he inspires you if you are so inclined. I think this could be it! Please pass it along. Thanks!

Elizabeth Wampler
Stephen J. Wampler Foundation, Inc.
A 501(c)3 Non-Profit California Corporation
Tax Exemption Number: 80-0470847
941 Orange Ave., Suite 440
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 957-4894


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