Saturday, February 22, 2025

Coronado Bridge to be Illuminated with Programmable LED Lights

bridge lights

The wining concept envisages illuminating the bridge with programmable LED lighting in an energy neutral manner using electricity generated by wind turbines. The lighting concept is designed to celebrate the spectacular Bay location of San Diego, and emphasize the bridge as an important gateway with programmable changing coloured light which expresses the movement of energy across and under the bridge. The variable rate of traffic flow over the bridge will be expressed by parapet lighting programmatically reflecting the direction, speed and intensity of vehicle movements on the deck.

bridge lights

The lighting of the navigation span will express the nautical gateway function of the bridge and will have the capability to respond to the movement of larger ships. A distinct secondary layer of lighting accentuating the bridge pillars will provide the sense of urban connection between the two shores and celebrate the strong ties across the water body linking the communities of San Diego and the City of Coronado.

Read the entire World Architecture News article and see more photos here.

FINK Bridge Lighting Concept from Port of San Diego on Vimeo.

Related article and videos from Port of San Diego website here.


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