Sunday, March 9, 2025

Living the Golden Rule

Like you, I receive emails that tell me to support our Troops by wearing something blue…or red on Fridays. OK, that’s easy but here’s a better way to show all who protect and serve that we care and appreciate their service.

As you know, we’re all non-paid volunteers in our GRS charity. We’re helping an organization called “The Treasure Box”. Their mission is: To partner with faith-based and community-action organizations to provide families with affordable food and bring communities together, one box at a time. In living the Golden Rule, they can’t exclude anyone so they include everyone.

The Treasure Box provides families and individuals with a substantial box of grocery store quality food, retailing between $65-100, for just $30 each. The Treasure Box cultivates relationships with more than 500 major food manufacturers across the country to purchase and provide top quality, nutritious food at sizable volume discounts to the general public.

They are expanding nation-wide, but at the moment they’re in California, plus Arizona and Nevada.

Please help us to help others…visit and view the short video done by TV station KTLA in Los Angeles. It’s the lower right green square on their Home Page.

My only request is that you please share this with your family and friends in eCoronado. I pray we’ll all keep this one going.

Again, this makes more sense to me in showing our support for all who need help during these difficult times…and we can still wear something red or blue on Fridays.

Thank you for your courtesy and kindness.

GBU and yours, now and always.

Len Kaine
PS Churches and charities might be interested in becoming partners with the Treasure Box.


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