Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fundraiser: Coronado Firehouse Bar and Grill (August 21, 2010)

Coronado Firehouse Bar & Grill
126 Orange Avenue
Facebook Fan Page

This Saturday, August 21st, from 3-8 PM is the Private Grand Opening Charity Event. The charitable organization represented on this night is the Hot Rodders Children’s Charity in association with the Carroll Shelby Foundation and YearOne. There will be a silent auction featuring memorabilia from the major motion picture studios, Carrol Shelby Foundation, and others who graciously donated items.

All proceeds from will be donated to the Carroll Shelby Children’s Foundation. In addition we will operate on regular business hours between 11am-2pm and re-opening at 8pm-2am.

Please read the YearOne PR below:

First off, I would like to take this opportunity to say how honored I am to be invited to participate in the Grand Opening of the Coronado Firehouse Bar and Grill and even more so how happy I am to be involved in the charitable aspects of this event. One of my passions is raising awareness and resources for children’s charities of all types, so events like this hold a special meaning to me.

While I have long tried to help and assist many charitable organizations over the years, it was the founding of the Hot Rodders Children’s Charity that provided a great deal of focus and direction to these efforts. The HRCC makes it possible to organize these efforts much more effectively, and like most things the better something is organized and carried out, the better the results.

The founding of the HRCC grew out of a desire to help kids. As a long-time employee, and now President, of muscle car restoration parts supplier YearOne, I have spent more than a few weekends at various automotive-related events and happenings. A common theme I found running through all these activities was how family-oriented they were, and also what a caring and thoughtful group of people that were associated with the hobby. Of course, this goes against what most people perceive when they think of hot rodders, but like most things when you dig a little deeper you often find reality is quite different from conventional wisdom.

Tapping into this group and providing an organized and efficient body through which their generosity and caring could do the most good was the idea behind the Hot Rodder’s Children’s Charity. For the last few years the HRCC has been involved in a number of high-profile events, and helped a number of organizations around the world. It’s my hope the HRCC continues to grow and become even more effective in raising resources and awareness for children’s causes. Certainly events like the Grand Opening of the Coronado Firehouse and the associated car show and tie-in with the Carroll Shelby charities helps. And again I am very proud to be associated with the event.

Spending time with other enthusiasts, admiring their vehicles and participating in shows and events such as this one is a great time. I really enjoy the automotive hobby, of course, which is why I’ve spent so much of my life involved with it. But it’s the fact that many of these shows are arranged with the express intent of bettering children’s lives that really make them worthwhile. A special thanks to the Coronado Firehouse Bar and Grill for working with the HRCC at this event and for many future events to come. The Coronado Firehouse Bar and Grill is committed to helping the HRCC raise money for children in need all across the country. This weekend we are raising money for the CARROLL SHELBY FOUNDATION. Please join us.


Kevin L. King


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