Sunday, March 9, 2025

Discussion Invited on vision and goals for Coronado

I want to thank the many individuals who have pledged support for my candidacy for city council in our fall elections. I want to begin now to stimulate discussion on where we are headed as a community and issues of concern to residents.

To start, I will be available Saturdays, August 7 and 21, at Tartine from 9 to 10:30 am and at Café Calypso in the Cays from 11am to noon. Look for the red cap.

Here are some thoughts to begin this dialogue.

I will pursue a vision for Coronado as aa special island community highlighted by trees and open space, a world-class beach, first-class schools, architectural uniqueness, and a rich Navy heritage.

I will use my experience in government and private industry to further this vision and to strengthen the effectiveness of Council by advancing the following goals:

  • Clarify and update our city’s strategic plan with extensive resident involvement, assuring that it furthers our vision

  • Pursue a fiscally responsible approach to budgeting and financial planning, anticipate further downward pressures on revenues; critically review service levels; aggressively pursue cost saving opportunities; review salary, benefit, and pension costs; and clarify policies on use of reserves to balance budgets

  • Tackle both traffic congestion and parking issues from a total community perspective using task forces with broad based resident participation and Navy involvement

  • Realizw bothe cost savings and environmental benefits bymaking Coronado the “greenest” city in our region in energy and water conservation, waste recycling, and use of solar and other alternative energy sources

  • Continue to refine historic preservation criteria and residential improvement standards

  • Preserve and improve the attractiveness and value of Coronado residency and ownership by (1) exploring ways to give higher priority to utility undergrounding; and by (2) addressing the appearance and use of vacant storefronts and buildings on Orange Avenue

  • Seek opportunities to expand productive partnerships with the tourism and business community and the school district

I look forward to meeting and talking with you.

Doug Metz


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