Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rep Susan Davis Votes NO to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The response to this project has been unprecedented – within three weeks, over 700,000 people have cast their votes. It’s clear that the American people – fed up with the culture of spending in Washington – have embraced YouCut as a vehicle to make their voices heard.”

The Winning Cut:

Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Savings estimated at $30 billion.
Since taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government sponsored mortgage-backing companies, taxpayers have injected over $145 billion into the two companies. Yet Congress still has not considered proposals to reform these companies and recoup taxpayer funds. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that absent reform, costs to taxpayer will continue to grow. Taking action to reform these companies now (as opposed to delaying action as some have proposed) by ending their government conservatorship, shrinking their portfolios, establishing minimum capital standards, and bringing transparency to taxpayer exposure could generate savings of up to an estimated $30 billion.

However, Rep. Davis voted NO-Why? I don’t get it. She also supported Obamacare. She needs to be voted out.


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