Wednesday, March 19, 2025


CORONADO – Nothing says Halloween like a carved pumpkin. Multiply that by 100 and you have a fast paced, fun, artistic, creative social event for kids of all ages. Everyone has fun, participants and audience alike. On Thursday, October 29 (5-7 p.m.), the 27th Annual Pumpkin Carving Party takes place at the Coronado Yacht Club, 1631 Strand Way. The event is sponsored annually by Tom and Debbie Riddle of Lee Mather Company Realtors, Coronado’s oldest real estate brokerage. “This is an incredible evening of fun for the whole family,” said Debbie Riddle, instigator of the event. “We put an emphasis on ‘Happy Halloween’ instead of ‘Scary Halloween.'” The genesis of the event took place one fall while Riddle was living away from home, in Newport Beach. “It was 1982 and I realized I didn’t have my siblings, nieces and nephews around to enjoy Halloween with,” said Riddle. “I wasn’t about to spend Halloween alone so I went to the store and bought 20 pumpkins, stuffed them into my little Fiat Spider, and invited all my adult friends over for chili and some creative pumpkin carving. I had no idea if it would work or not, but in the end it was an absolute hoot!” Riddle returned to Coronado in 1991, taking over as co-owner of Lee Mather Company Realtors, which was founded by her father in 1953. When Halloween rolled around that year Riddle knew she just had to continue the tradition. This year is the 27th annual and 100 carvers will participate. They will bring their own pumpkins, and in some cases their own carving tools. “This is a serious artistic endeavor,” said Riddle, with a laugh. As each pumpkin is completed, Riddle turns off the lights, illuminates the freshly carved pumpkin and holds it aloft. She takes to the megaphone and announces each finished piece of art, much to the delight of competitors and their cheering sections. “It’s difficult to say who enjoys the event more, the adults or the kids,” said Riddle. “The rules are simple,” said Riddle. “While we provide dinner and the inspiration, we expect our guests to provide the entertainment.” Space is limited to only 100 carvers, but there are still a few entries available. Photos of the winning pumpkins will be on display in the large glass windows of Lee Mather Company Realtors, as well as on their website. For more information on the Pumpkin Face-Off call 518-7506. To find out more about Lee Mather Company Realtors visit

Photo Caption: This gaggle of carved pumpkins is typical of the handiwork found at the Annual Coronado Pumpkin Face-Off. Photo by Doug Robinson. JOSEPH DITLER Creative Director SCHOONER OR LATER PROMOTIONS 1034 Encino Row, Coronado, California, 92118 USA W: 619.435.0767 E: [email protected]


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