has been in good contact with Lance Alspaugh who is overseeing the redevelopment of the Coronado Village Theatre. We are VERY EXCITED for this progress and will keep you updated with news, photos and more in the near future! Join for free to get updates! ——– Good Day Steve, The Design Review Committee in Coronado recently approved the Exterior Concept for the Village Theatre. I have attached the image for you herewith. Another meeting with the Redevelopment Agency is scheduled for 11/3/09 at which time further financing issues will be discussed to move the project along. The time for completion has also been extended to November 19th, 2010 which puts us at Thanksgiving next year. Of course , I will be doing everything I can to make things go faster without jeopardizing the safety and success of the project. Hope all is well with you. Kind Regards, Lance Alspaugh Five Star Theatres inc. ———————- Here is a link to the interview did with Lance back on March 11th, 2009. It contains details of what the new theatre will be like inside and what types of movies it will show.
Coronado Village Theatre Exterior Concept Design Approved
Less than 1 min.

Coronado Times Staff
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