Labor Day weekend is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. In Coronado, it marks the end of the tourist season when the locals can reclaim their island. The holiday is often regarded as a day of rest and parades. But for these two cuties, it was no day of rest. Dad needed help getting the wagon to the Park for the second to last concert of the season.
September is also one of the hottest months on the island. We usually get hit with a few weeks of 90+ degree temperatures. Without air conditioning, it’s not an enjoyable time. I’ve been zapped of energy and not too excited about cooking. Dooley and Diver have been hit hard by the heat. This photo of Dooley pretty much says it all.
The good news, as I sit here Tuesday morning, is that we seem to be on a cooling trend. We had almost ideal Newfy weather during our morning walk. Now, let me tell you about our spread of Peruvian cuisine for this past Sunday’s Concert in the Park! Visit There’s a Newf in My Soup! for more photos and recipes. These Espresso Chocolate Shortbread Cookies with Dulce de Leche are so incredibly yummy! Put them on your holiday baking schedule. 
Coronado Concerts in the Park Culinary Challenge: Peruvian Cuisine, featuring Espresso-Chocolate Shortbread Cookies with Dulce de Leche
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