Monday, March 10, 2025

Sobering PSA video for young drivers addicted to their phones (parental guidance strongly suggested!)

PSA: Texting while driving (not for the younger ones) EVERY driver should see this, especially teenagers. It is very graphic and is recommended for 18 and older but if they wait till 18 to see it, they may not reach 18. As firefighters, we see this stuff all too often and it is getting worse every year. PARENTS: Watch this by yourself first then WITH your kids (the comments posted below the video on YouTube are not kid safe). Explain to them that if they HAVE TO phone or text, pull over and stop in a SAFE location first, THEN use the phone. 17 states have already made the penalties as severe as for driving while under the influence (Utah and Illinois were just the latest). If you’re involved in an accident your phone records can easily be pulled to show if you were using your phone at the time. PLEASE do not be tempted–it surely can wait a few minutes until you get where you’re going.


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