Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Police Blotter: May 1- July 26

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):

Summaries: -2 Bicycle Thefts -7 Traffic Collisions -2 Vehicle Reports Arrests: •July 22- Trespassing. Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol. The suspect is a Male 25. (600 block of A Ave.) •July 24- DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs- Misdemeanor. DUI Alcohol 0.08%- Misdemeanor. The suspect is 15. (700 block of Alameda Blvd.) •July 26- DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs- Misdemeanor. The suspect is a Hispanic male 51. (400 block of A Ave.) •July 26- Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol- Misdemeanor. The suspect is a Hispanic male 45. (1100 block of Adella Ave.) •July 26- Drunk, protective Custody. The suspect is a Korean male 28. (900 block of Ocean Blvd.) Crime: •May 1- July 1- Burglary/ Unspecified. The victim had two bicycles stolen from inside her garage. (300 block of F Ave.) •May 24- July 17- Burglary/ Unspecified. Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s secure apartment complex parking facility and took victim’s bicycle. The suspect(s) fled the scene undetected. (1700 block of Avnda Del Mundo) •June 15- July 7- Burglary/ Unspecified. Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s basement and took two windows that were in cardboard boxes. (300 block of B Ave.) •June 27- Fraudulent Use of Access Card or Account Information (Under $ 400). Unknown suspect(s) gained access, in an unknown manner, to the victim’s credit card information and charges approx. $228.83 at several businesses. (3030 Plaza Bonita Rd.) •July 5- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Victim locked his bicycle up to a pole in front of the hotel Del Coronado. After he noticed his bicycle lock had been cut and his bicycle missing, a value of $ 2500. (1500 block of Orange Ave.) •July 9- July 12- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The victim left her bag of jewelry in an unlocked hotel room safe and then checked out of the hotel the vale of the jewelry was $ 18600. (1500 block of Orange Ave.) •Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (Felony). Unknown suspect(s) broke the rear door to victim’s apartment building and fled the scene undetected. (800 block of C Ave.) •July 13- July 18- Tamper With Auto. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to steal the victim’s car. (100 block of D Ave.) •July 15- July 17- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The suspect(s) cut the victim’s bicycle cable lock securing the two bicycles belonging to the victim, and the approx. value lost was $ 1600. (500 block of A Ave.) •July 18- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The victim’s bicycle was stolen by an unknown suspect. (400 block of D Ave.) •July 18- Burglary/ Unspecified. Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s locked parking garage and took victim’s bicycle a value of $ 1200. (700 block of C Ave.) •July 18- July 19- Burglary/ Unspecified. The male suspect entered a secure garage and stole the victim’s bicycle stored by the victim’s assigned parking stall. (1700 block of Avenida Del Mundo) •July 20- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The victim’s bicycle was stolen from the second level balcony in the rear to the victim’s residence. (800 block of 5th St.) •July 22- Grand Theft Property. Unknown suspect(s) stole two wallets from the victim’s personal belongings while left unattended on the beach a value of $ 656. (200 Ocean Blvd.) •July 22- July 23- Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (Felony). Unknown suspect(s) broke the door off of soft drink wending machine and stole the money inside. The suspect(s) fled the scene undetected the value was $60. (2000 block of Visalia RW.) •July 23- Take Vehicle Without Owner’s Consent. Unknown suspect(s) tampered with the victim’s motorcycle and attempted to take it from the scene. (1900 block of Strand Way) •July 23- Burglary/ Unspecified. Male suspect was seen entering the apartment parking facility through a secure gate. The suspect is then seen riding the victim’s bicycle out of the parking facility through a secure door the value of the bicycle was $ 1000. (1700 block of Avnda Del Mundo) •July 25- Domestic Violence Case. A couple who formally dated got into an argument at the Ferry Landing in the City of Coronado. (1200 block of 1st St.) •July 25- Battery. The 10 year old victim was hot on his chin by an eleven year old neighbor. (1500 block of Attu Ave.) •July 25- July 26- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The incident involved suspect(s) stealing two Bonsai potted plants. (1000 block of Orange Ave.) Elizabeth Dellinger Online Writer Intern


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