Sunday, March 9, 2025

Let us Pull Together on This One Coronado… Compromise Yes,, Scofflaw No Way

I admit I was pretty miffed about these abandoned construction sites. I got the run around for many months. Emails were being rejected, calls unanswered etc………… Then Councilwoman Barbara Denny stepped in. Within a week she had the matter cleared up to all parties’ satisfaction. She dealt with us honestly, and efficiently. and wrought a compromise. I want to thank her publicly for her efforts and congratulate her on her DiplOBAMAcy (new word). We Coronadans are not oblivious to the problems in the Real Estate and construction industry. Things are tough. We know it. Please don’t tell us that these sites meet codes; that adds insult to injury. Look at the great work Mr. Toci has done. He has every right to be miffed. He has been treated shamefully, by the present administration, as have others. These sites are far from meeting code. However the builders can approach the Tanaka administration and request temporary waivers. In my case as long as 248E stays in a reasonably decent condition, and my requests for inexpensive periodic maintenance are met expeditiously, I have no objection. If the builder is completely broke and cannot afford even the basics, the City can take over basic maintenance services and put a lien on the property for expenses. Later on the lien can be paid off and the property sold. Bottom Line. Please don’t take our readiness to compromise as a sign of weakness. We can work with you if and only if you are upfront and honest with us. If you try to be a scofflaw, we will get the magnifying glass out.


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