Monday, March 10, 2025

Tolls on the Bridge

Coronado has been receiving a lot of media coverage about the possibility of reinstating tolls. There have been reports about possible “$10 Tolls” and many people have contacted me with their concerns about any tolls and/or a tunnel project. We had a City Council meeting today where we accepted a report that explained how much money new tolls could raise for a new traffic solution like a tunnel. The report stated that $3-$5 worth of tolls could fund between $300-$500 million toward a $590 million tunnel project. I went on the record today that $10/day in tolls is not reasonable and that the max toll that I thought was supportable would be around $3-$5/day. I also stated that I will not support tolls in both directions of the bridge. I think a toll coming into Coronado makes sense, but one leaving Coronado would screw up our traffic grid for cars trying to leave Coronado. I also stated that a free carpool lane for cars with two or more people is a MUST in any toll scenario. We have to encourage more people to car pool if we are ever going to reduce the number of cars driving into and out of Coronado! Lastly, there is a difference between the amount of money needed in a toll required to pay for a tunnel project ($3) versus the amount needed if one wants to put tolls back on to the bridge without building a tunnel or a similar project ($1). That’s just something to think about. I have been getting lots of feedback about tolls and I want to hear from more of you. Do you support the idea of putting the tolls back on the Bridge? What dollar amount can you live with and what dollar amount is just too much? Lastly, I want everyone to know that the City’s goal is to complete the current tunnel studies and environmental impact studying so we can present a set of facts to the voters and ask them to vote to either proceed with a tunnel/traffic project or not. Your input is greatly appreciated 🙂 Casey


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