Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Firefighters and Police Officers Association unanimously endorse Barbara Denny for City Council!

After jointly interviewing all three candidates three weeks ago, in their separate meetings last Monday both of Coronado’s Public Safety employee groups voted unanimously to officially and enthusiastically endorse Barbara Denny for Coronado City Council! Barbara worked diligently and tirelessly in her previous campaign for Mayor and many of you have probably already met the “fresh face for Coronado”. She is continuing to work incredibly hard on behalf of the citizens of Coronado. While we feel that all three candidates would do a fine job serving on Council, the firefighters and police officers know that Barbara’s understanding of the importance of Public Safety, her work ethic, legal experience, boundless energy and her unwavering commitment to serve Coronado makes her the best candidate.

L-R: Coronado Firefighters President Kevin Roof, Barbara Denny, Jim Blinn: who will celebrate 35 years of exemplary service to the City of Coronado this July 1st (!) and Coronado Firefighters PAC Chairman Jamie Edmonds. Please join your Coronado Firefighters and Coronado Police Officers in supporting Barbara Denny for Coronado City Council. If you haven’t yet checked out “Twitter” you can get up to the minute local happenings and updates at Remember to get yourself–and your friends and neighbors–to the polls on May 19th to VOTE for Barbara Denny for City Council! This message was authorized by the Coronado Firefighters PAC and is not at the request of any candidate.


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