Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Coronado Police Blotter: June 20- July 5, 2009

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing eCoronado.com with the below information (partial list):

Summaries: -2 traffic collisions -3 bicycle thefts -1 vehicle report Arrests: •June 30- Disorderly Conduct. The suspect is a 24 male. (1200 block of 1st St.) •July 1- Outside Warrant (misdemeanor). The suspect is a 27 Hispanic male. (300 block of Pomona Ave) •July 1- Use/under the influence of a controlled substance. The suspect is a 26 female. (1700 block of Strand Way) •July 1- Theft from dependent adult the items were of $400+ value. The suspect is a 42 white female. (1500 block of 2nd St.) •July 4- DUI Alcohol and/ or drugs. The suspect is a 55 white female, and had an alcohol level of 0.08%. (1500 block of Orange Ave.) •July 4- DUI alcohol and/or drugs, The suspect is a 26 Hispanic male and had an alcohol level of 0.08%. (60 block of Palm Ave.) •July 4- Drunk, Protective Custody. The suspect is a 41 white male. (1000 block of 9th St.) •July 4- Injure Telephone Power Lines (felony), Battery on Spouse or Cohabitant (misdemeanor) The suspect is a 33 Hispanic female. (400 block of D Ave.) •July 4- Battery on a Spouse or Cohabitant. The suspect is a 26 black male. (400 block of Orange Ave.) •July 5- Drunk, Protective Custody. The suspect is a 59 white male. (Ocean Blvd. and Marina Ave.) Crime: •June 20- June 26- Burglary/ Unspecified. Suspect took 8 rings, 2 bracelets, 1 pair of earrings, and 5 necklaces of $15588 value from the victim. (700 block of Alameda Blvd.) •June 25- Grand Theft Person. Suspect took camera of $450 value from victim. (40 block of Camino de Plaza) •June 27- June 28- Petty Theft. Suspect took surfboard from victim’s vehicle of $370 value. (1300 block of 10th St.) •June 29- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Suspect took couch and ottoman of $800 value from victim. (100 block of 2nd St.) •July 1- Make/ pass fictitious Check. Suspect attempted fraud on Clayton’s Coffee Shop. (900 block of Orange Ave.) •July 1- Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (misdemeanor). Suspect vandalized structure with paint around marine/ water (public wall). (200 block of Ocean Blvd.) •July 1- July 2- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Suspect took bicycle of $1000 value from victim’s garage by force. (800 block of C Ave.) •July 4- July 5- Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (misdemeanor). Suspect vandalized the structure (lifeguard tower #5) by marine/ water. (200 block of Ocean Ave.) Elizabeth Dellinger eCoronado.com Online Writer Intern


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