Thursday, February 6, 2025

Council Recap: Events Approval, CPD Crime Mapping & Data, Utility Undergrounding Update

It was a welcome sign of things getting back to normal as Floyd Ross returned after more than a year to give the opening prayer at the City Council meeting with the audience clapping for his return.

In returning to the new normal, the City Council approved lifting some restrictions as COVID-19 health related orders change; which will help businesses by extending outdoor restaurant seating at least through the end of the summer season. Also approved were some more events for 2021, including Fourth of July celebrations, Coronado Promenade Concerts (CPC) in Spreckels Park, Coronado Island Film Festival, and the Holiday Parade and Open House. CPC President Cathy Brown requested that Concerts in the Park be extended through September 12, which will be voted on at a later date.

The Fourth of July celebration and associated events, including the Rough Water Swim, Leap Frogs demonstration, Crown City Classic run, and annual parade are planned for Saturday, July 3 which is typically done when the Fourth of July falls on a Sunday. The fireworks show will be on full display the evening of Sunday, July 4.

Screenshot of CPD Crime Graphics info with activity 5/31 through 6/3/2021.

Details of the new Coronado Police Department (CPD) Citizen RIMS Record Management System was presented by Captain Jesus Ochoa. The system, which contains data since July 30, 2020, is an extension of the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) / Records Management System (RMS) and offers a new level of transparency for police activities. “Police do more than meets the eye,” said Ochoa and this website will let people search by date, location, and categories to see what has happened in an area. For example, location searches can include activities within 500 yards up to several miles. The eleven activity categories include: alarm, alcohol/drug violations, animals, citizen assists, crime reports, disturbances, fire/medical, police incident, proactive policing, traffic stops, and traffic collisions. This system differs from Nixle, which provides alerts in real time, like bridge closures, in that the new information will be available after the incident has been resolved. Mayor Bailey commented, “This is a great tool for residents to understand what’s happened in their neighborhood.” This new Citizen RIMS program can be found at

Walton returned to the podium to give an updated status on the six utility undergrounding projects. The Council ultimately approved, with Councilmember Tanaka voting no, to have staff move forward with the first three assessment districts and put the additional three on hold for now.

  1. Silver Strand Conversion District: This conversion district is being designed by SDG&E; the concept plan (approximately 35% design) was submitted and reviewed by staff. The following issues are under review in order to move forward with final design.
  • The proposed alignment must be coordinated with CalAm Water Company; CalAm is currently designing a replacement line for the primary water line that feeds the City from the south. There are required separations between wet utilities and electrical lines that must be adhered to.
  • The electrical lines must traverse the three pedestrian crossings of SR 75 and because of the limited cover to the top of the pedestrian tunnels, the lines must be rerouted onto State Park property to avoid overhead crossings. This will require easements, which may take some time to obtain.
  • Depending on the alignment, a CEQA analysis will be performed which could include sensitive species review. Final design will take between six and nine months after the above issues are resolved.
  1. Adella and Ynez Underground Conversion District: This conversion district was adopted by the Council on April 20, 2021.
  • SDG&E was instructed to initiate the design of the new underground system; design is anticipated to take up to 12 months.
  • The estimated total cost is $1.5 million; The City’s cost is estimated at $1.35 million.
  • Removal of poles and overhead wires is anticipated by February 2023.
  1. First Street Assessment District: Residents along First Street have submitted a petition for an assessment district.
  • The preliminary district boundary map was developed and reviewed by SDG&E.
  • The estimated cost of the district is $8.6 million (2021 dollars with no financing costs); higher than normal costs are due to utility lines placed along both sides of the street. The city is working with SDG&E on cost saving options.
  • Initial assessment costs are on average between $50,000 and $60,000 per parcel. The district contains 79 parcels.
  • Residents have expressed concern with the costs and are looking for ways to reduce them by changing the 50-50 match to a more favorable split, such as a 65% public and 35% assessment, and are seeking a “credit” for the cost to underground the lines that are serving Naval Air Station North Island.
  1. Alameda/J Avenue Assessment District: Residents living along Alameda Boulevard and J Avenue submitted a petition to have the overhead wires and poles removed from the alley between Alameda Boulevard and J Avenue.
  • A preliminary map was developed and reviewed by SDG&E.
  • SDG&E ruled that the new underground system could not be placed in the alley and would require service from the front of properties, in essence doubling the amount of trenching required.
  • The conceptual cost estimate for the district is $5.2 million.
  • 77 parcels were included in the proposed district; this equates to roughly $42,000 per parcel, if all are treated equally. Individual assessments would vary based on an assessment analysis.
  1. Ocean, Marina, G Avenue Assessment District: A petition was submitted to underground the overhead utility wires along portions of streets, alleys, and easements in the Ocean Boulevard/Marina Avenue area.
  • A tentative boundary map was developed; however, it has not been reviewed by SDG&E.
  1. Adella Avenue/Maria Place Assessment District: A petition was submitted for undergrounding utilities along portions of Adella Avenue and Marina Place.
  • An initial boundary map was developed; initial staff review has taken place. Due to the geometry of the streets and the alignment of the utility lines, the boundary map will need to be adjusted, likely including additional parcels.

Director of Engineer Ed Walton gave a brief presentation on an amendment to the TransNet local street improvement program for 2021 through 2025 projects. The TransNet Program of Projects (POP) is approved by SANDAG as part of the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). Walton pointed out that Coronado follows strict guidelines to receive the approximately $625,000 to $650,000 designated funds annually. To comply, the following changes have been called out: drainage repair for the street and road preventative maintenance and rehabilitation projects, and the Ocean Blvd sidewalk enhancement. The council unanimously approved this resolution.

In continuation from the previous council meeting, Councilmember Sandke asked to have the status of Zuniga Jetty Anchorage placed on a future council agenda, to discuss current enforcement and regional developments. He also asked to be the council representative on this issue, but Councilmember Heinze felt that designation was premature and should be decided at a future date. The council unanimously granted his request. He also asked about parking enforcement on the Isabella Avenue median from Rotary Park towards the beach, but after discussion withdrew his request as he is working with city staff on this issue and updated information will come back to council in a future City Manager’s report.

Mayor Bailey’s request to ask city staff to look into allowing bicycles at the Skatepark was approved on the Consent Calendar and will be brought back at a future meeting. CHS student Eddie Reynolds returned to council and asked about this and was glad to hear the city will be looking into it.

Councilmember Sandke reported that Gustavo from Caltrans said that positive developments for the $25 million were in process to complete effective bridge suicide barriers that can be constructed in a timely manner. He will keep the council apprised on this matter.

Councilmember Donovan said that at the SANDAG board meeting they released the Regional Transportation Plan for public comments. He encouraged residents to review it at and submit comments by July 31.

The annual budget for fiscal year 2021-22, as discussed at the last council meeting, was approved on the Consent Calendar.

The regularly scheduled July 6 and August 3 council meetings were cancelled.




Jennifer Velez
Jennifer Velez
Jennifer fell in love with Coronado as a teenager while visiting a college friend. She vowed that someday she would make it her home, and that dream has recently become a reality. Fast forward through completing college with a BA in Journalism, Public Relations and Communications, she then went on to work with a variety of clients. She also taught Journalism and coordinated fundraising for her children’s school, and was a staff writer for San Diego Family Magazine and contributed to other parenting publications. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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