Tuesday, December 31, 2024

23rd Annual Main Street Garden Party was a Great Success

The 23rd annual Garden Party, hosted by Coronado Mainstreet Ltd., was held at a “Coronado Castle by the Sea”, 1127 F Avenue. There were hundreds of people in attendance to enjoy the food, drink and terrific silent auction. The Garden Party proceeds benefit Coronado’s Signature Median Gardens.

The City of Coronado started Coronado Mainstreet in 1988 as a response to a deteriorating downtown with a vacancy rate of 35%. The City used an approach developed by the National Main Street Center as the foundation for its plan to improve the commercial area. Through community consensus building, the city was able to create the wonderful down town area we have today.

Coronado Mainstreet also sponsors the Motorcars on Mainstreet event held each spring right here in Coronado.

It was a pleasure to hold this year’s Garden party at the home known as the W.A. Gunn House. Designed by architect Richard Requa in 1924 for W.A. Gunn, a furniture manufacturer from Grand Rapids, Michigan, the house is an example of Spanish Revival architecture.

The silent auction was extensive and included items from many local businesses such as Root 75, Glorietta Bay Inn, the Hotel Del, Kate Chan Salon of Beauty and Wellness, the Coronado Golf Course, Coronado Taste of Oils and many others. One of the most popular items of the auction was a year supply (one cake per month) of homemade Rum Cakes by the ever talented Coronado local Robbins Kelly.

Miss Coronado, Susanna Wiggins and Miss Teen Coronado, Katie Hearther, helped greet guests as they arrived at the annual fundraising event.

For more information about Coronado Mainstreet, visit www.CoronadoMainstreet.com.

Kellee Hearther

Staff Writer


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