The City is hosting a groundbreaking ceremony at 10 am at the project site at Coronado Avenue and Eighth Street on Friday, January 6, 2023.

The Parker Pump Station Replacement Project is vital to the City of Coronado’s current and future infrastructure. The Project will construct a new $26 million wastewater and stormwater pump station to improve operational efficiency, prevent flooding in homes and pollutions to the ocean, and increase resiliency to sea level rise. The project will also increase an additional 6,000 feet of green space for the community.
Project Goals:
- Construct a new pump station that will collect, and route storm water and sanitary sewer flows and replace the existing pump station;
- Prevent sewer failure/disruption to area residences and flooding from stormwater overflow during rain event;
- Prevent flooding and pollution impacts to the adjacent Naval Air Station North Island (Naval Base Coronado).

The existing Parker Pump Station, an aging and failing station located at the western end of the city along the Naval Base boundary, at Coronado Avenue and Eighth Street, was constructed in 1983 and services both storm water and wastewater flows. The Parker Pump Station is a critical piece of infrastructure responsible for collecting and routing storm water and sanitary sewer flows in the Country Club area of the city and is one of the largest of the 20 pump stations citywide. Plant failures would result in flooding, sewage leakage, and impacts to the Naval Base adjacent to the pump station. The replacement project will completely rebuild the Parker Pump Station to provide sustainable service for generations and better protect the pump station from potential climate change impacts from flooding and storm surge.
The total cost of the project is $26 million. With Congressman Scott Peters from California’s 52nd Congressional District championing the project, the City of Coronado will receive $3 million in federal appropriations to help fund the Project.
Work on the project is projected to run from January 2023 to Winter 2024 (barring inclement weather or supply issues), and Monday through Friday, 7 am to 4:30 pm.
The City will work to complete the project as quickly as possible while minimizing dust, noise, and other impacts. Please use caution around the work area and thank you for your patience as we work to improve our infrastructure.