On November 17, 2022 the Optimist Club of Coronado gave a presentation of their club (by President Paul Lull) to the CUSD Board of Trustees. At the conclusion of the presentation Cheyne Parker (Optimist Club of Coronado Board Member) presented a check for $2,500 to Coronado Middle School (CMS) Principal Brooke Falar.
This donation helps support the “Adopt a Camper” program for the San Diego Outdoor Education Camp at Camp Cuyamaca for CMS 6th grade students. Of special note, Parker participated in this program when he was a 6th grade student at CMS. Parker stated; “It was a life changing event for me when I was in 6th grade, and now I’m happy to cast my board vote in support of this program on behalf of the Optimist Club of Coronado.”
The Optimist Club of Coronado “Supports the Youth of Coronado” though it’s foundation. They support over 50 Coronado youth activities and are members of a worldwide volunteer organization “working tirelessly to bring out the best in children, community, and ourselves.”
If you are interested in joining the Optimist Club of Coronado, please visit the website at: www.optimistclubofcoronado.org.