Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cool Disco Kev…Isn’t – What Do You Think?

Coronado Library entrance.

If you walk around Coronado long enough, chances are, you have seen “Cool Disco Kev” scrawled in chalk on sidewalks all over town. It’s been seen on the beach sidewalk, along Orange Avenue and almost every side street around town.

The steps at St. Paul’s Methodist Church.

Today, The Coronado Times spotted it graffitied on school property, church property and library property. Even though it will easily wash off or perhaps be “rained off” every six months, is it “cool”?  We agree it’s not the biggest problem in town, but the ubiquitous sightings are certainly not as quaint as the occasional “Cool Disco Kev” used to be.

Or, perhaps, The Coronado Times is getting older, crankier and annoyed with this “artist.” No idea who “Kev” is, why “Kev” is doing it or what the meaning is. According to one Facebook commenter, maybe it’s related to Cool Disco Dan.

Thoughts? Share your comments on our Facebook post here.

Coronado High School building on 7th Street.

Editor’s Note (Updated at 4:07pm):  Could it be related to Cool Disco Dan?

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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