Friday, March 14, 2025

Cays Park Master Plan Effort to Get a Restart

The City Council agreed earlier this week to restart the planning process for the Cays Park Master Plan project.

The Council authorized the termination of the existing consultant contract for the project and directed staff at its Sept. 6 meeting to return at a future date with a proposed request for proposals and an authorization to advertise the request based on the current understanding of the project and community expectations. Staff also was directed to return to the Council to present a report on possible near-term programmatic alternatives that could better address requests for use of space in Cays Park.

The master planning effort got underway shortly after the initial contract was awarded in 2019. It included community workshops and surveys. However, the effort was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public interest grew substantially as the pandemic brought a reduction in park use by organized sports and an increase in resident interest in passive and unprogrammed active uses.

Since restarting the project in 2021, the City has heard about new desires and priorities for Cays Park and interest in a much higher level of community engagement. For these reasons, a comprehensive reset would enable a fresh start reflective of Coronado’s contemporary needs and interests. The City plans new public surveys and workshops to identify current resident opinions. Recreation and Golf Services will use the time to collect field use data that will aid in the development of a Master Plan.

This approach requires additional time, cost and staff and community effort. However, a comprehensive reset would best serve the entire community.



City of Coronado
City of Coronado
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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