A long-duration heat wave is expected from the beaches to the desert through Labor Day weekend. City facilities can offer some relief during regular operating hours.
According to the National Weather Service, hot daytime temperatures and warmer-than average low temperatures will not provide for much relief. The peak of the heat wave will hit Sunday and Monday, Sept. 4 and 5. Highs in Coronado are expected to reach 90-91 degrees on Sunday and Monday. Lows will be 73-74 degrees overnight.
It is advised that people stay indoors and seek air-conditioned buildings. In Coronado, residents may visit the Coronado Public Library, Spreckels Center or Community Center pools during regular operating hours for some relief from the heat.
If an “early release” day is called by the Coronado Unified School District due to heat, Recreation & Golf Services will open the Recreation Pool, as per past practice, for free family swim time Monday through Friday only from 11 am to 3 pm. However, the hottest part of this heat wave is expected during the weekend.
See above image for schedule of pool hours.
Public safety officials urge residents to drink more water than usual, pace yourself if engaging in physical activity, never leave children or pets in cars even with the windows cracked, and to check in on family, friends and neighbors.
The high heat and heightened demand for electricity has resulted in the California Independent System Operator (ISO) issuing a statewide call for voluntary electricity conservation for three straight days. The most recent Flex Alert has been issued for Saturday, Sept. 3, from 4 pm to 8:59 pm. With triple-digit temperatures in much of California and the West, the power grid operator is again expecting high electricity demand, primarily from air conditioning use, and needs voluntary conservation steps to help balance supply and demand.
Be sure to be aware of heat risk, like heat stress. These happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself. This can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs.