Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rotary Santa Returns for 92nd Year to Make Local Deliveries

Rotary Santa Returns!
Tim Hodges (Rotarian), Katherine Moser (Chase Branch Manager), SANTA CLAUS, Mike Blood (Fire Chief), Travis Harrington (JP Morgan & Rotarian).

He’s coming to town! Santa Claus returns for the 92nd year of traditional visits to Coronado homes on Christmas Eve, Friday December 24th, to deliver presents to local girls and boys from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Assisted by members of the Rotary Club of Coronado, Chase Bank and the Coronado Fire Department, Jolly Old St Nicholas asks parents, grandparents, or guardians to drop their presents off at Chase Bank, 1000 Orange Avenue, beginning Monday, December 13th through Wednesday, December 22nd. The presents may be dropped off any time during banking hours – 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday. The Elves are only receiving the presents dropped off at Chase Bank.

A reminder to all the gift givers out there, the presents must be gift wrapped, have the child’s name, phone number and address clearly marked on the outside. Keep in mind, one gift per child, dimensions and weight limits (2 feet X 2 feet X 2 feet, 20 pounds), and that Santa prefers to avoid visiting big parties of kids at one home address. All presents will be logged in by the Rotary elves to ensure no one is left out on Christmas Eve.



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