Sunday, March 9, 2025

What the Bible Is (And Isn’t) Interview Series


Both inside and outside ‘the church’ people are prone to understand (and misunderstand) the Bible in a variety of ways. Because the Bible is such a central text in history and across many cultures, people who identify with any faith tradition, or none, can benefit from deepening their knowledge of what various faith traditions understand and claim the Bible to be.

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (UMC) in Coronado has invited Dr. Michael Lodahl, Professor of Theology and World Religions at Pt. Loma Nazarene University, to sit down for a 5-week interview series at St. Paul’s UMC to explore “What the Bible Is (And Isn’t)?” An academic seminar series, community participants, who identify with any faith tradition, or none, are welcome to attend.

Each evening will include two 20-25 minute interviews exploring questions like, “How did the earliest Christian understand the Bible?”, “What do the words of scripture claim about themselves?”, “What did Martin Luther mean by ‘sola scriptura’?”, etc. Participants will be able to pose questions after each session is recorded that may be addressed in another session.

These interviews will be in the church sanctuary on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:00 pm, September 19 through October 17. The interviews will also be recorded for release on our podcast, ‘St. Paul’s Voyager.’ Register to attend in-person on the homepage at

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 700 D Ave, Coronado, CA 92118
[email protected]



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